Campaigning for the people of Burgess Hill Learn more
by Susan Knight on 14 April, 2013
Dear Resident
Over the last few weeks either I or a member of my Lib Dem team, have tried to knock on all your doors or contact you by phone. I would like to take this opportunity to thank every one of you for the warm reception I have received. Your words of encouragement have really helped to spur me on. But I know I’ve not managed to reach you all and for that I apologise
I have represented you all in Burgess Hill East Division to the best of my abilities as your County Councillor over the last 8 years. Most things I have been able to achieve, but not all. You have elected me to represent you and act on your behalf. That said; it is difficult sometimes balancing expectations with what the law says and to other residents’ expectations.
I think I have succeed more times than not. Working hard to get the very best possible for Burgess Hill East, with limited resources.
The County Council elections on Thursday, despite what some would have you believe, are about LOCAL SERVICES, protecting what we have and providing what is needed in our community.
They are not about the very worst of racist discrimination or attacking vulnerable, hardworking people or their families.
I have always believed in Liberal Democracy. Sometimes it is easy to work with and sometimes not so easy.
I have represented everyone equally in almost 30 years as your councillor, and as a Liberal Democrat, that is what you have elected me to do. I’ve never been a ‘Flip Flop’ politician or changed what colour shirt I wear because the going gets tough. You deserve better; you deserve to know what your councillors truly believe in. I’m not saying one thing in Burgess Hill and then having to change what I say at County Hall.
So as not to bore everyone, I have added a link to the things I have done whilst your councillor and the things I am working on and which will be lost if I’m not there to push for our community. Please click on the link to see what I’ve done and what I’m doing.
Sue Knight My Councillor ‘to do’ list
Best wishes
Sue Knight
PS: I can’t do it without your support!
Latest Meeds South Focus Wk 17
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2013 Election Focus The Local Choice – SK
What have the Liberal Democrats ever done for Burgess Hill
After bringing up my family in Burgess Hill, I returned to full time education, gaining my degree at Sussex University. Putting it to good use, I worked for many years as Chief Executive of Crawley Council for Voluntary Services. I worked with Councillors from all parties and officers at all levels, to build services for the most vulnerable people in our community. I’ve shown over the years the best way to achieve positive results is to bring all sides together and have worked hard to remove barriers and resolve issues.
I have been a Liberal Democrat councillor for over 22 years and your County Councillor for the last 8 years. Previously a Town and District Councillor, I worked to establish the Green Crescent (now the Green Circle), Batchelors Farm and West Park nature reserves as well as being on the small team which boughtand refurbished Cyprus Hall for the community.
As your County Councillor I have worked hard to get the best deal for our schools, introduced major traffic calming projects such as the safer routes to schools for the young and people with mobility problems, I have lobbied at the highest level to get a better deal for our older residents and carers.
For full copy’s of my Election Literature, please click on the links.
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